EN442 certificate
AquaBIT equipment is certified according to the EN442 standard.
The Regulation on Thermal Installations in Buildings (RITE), establishes the conditions to be fulfilled by installations designed to meet the demand for thermal comfort and hygiene through heating systems.
Low temperature radiators contribute to reaching the final objective of the CTE’s energy saving Basic Document of reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency in buildings.
Buildings’ energy classification and certificate
Low temperature radiators have an influence on improving the building’s energy classification according to Royal Decree 235/2013 which determines the process for the energy certification of buildings following the requirements of Directive 2002/91/CE, subsequently amended by 2010/91/CE.
Renove Plans
In its many different forms and managed by the Autonomous Communities, these plans encourage substituting boilers currently installed, providing citizens with financial aid to help acquire energyefficient equipment.